Please see the combined pieces that all festival attendees will sing together. You will be responsible for ordering and learning these pieces, and we ask that singers arrive to the festival with music ready to perform.

There will be three massed numbers; one for younger singers, one for older singers, and one for all singers. Please select at least two of those listed below, if not all three.

Click on the titles for a link to each piece. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions.

O Rushing Wind by Mark Patterson (Suggested for Younger Singers)
Unison/2pt -  BrileeMusic
JW Pepper Ordering Number: #10352284  

Tecolote arr. Judith Herrington (Suggested for Older Singers)
2pt - Pavane Publishing
JW Pepper Ordering Number: #10997699

Give Us Hope  by Jim Papoulis (For All Singers)
Unison/2pt - Small Voice Publishing
JW Pepper Ordering Number: #11393852


See below for links to rehearsal tracks for each piece.

O Rushing Wind


Give Us Hope